Oct 12, 2023Liked by Casey Schreiner

Somehow I missed that Yosemite story. Holy smokes!!

The Atlantic story is a good one. I have never quite understood the vitriol that arises from those who pout about temporary forest/park/blm closures. I understand the disappointment when you have plane tickets booked and/or cabins booked - that can be really frustrating. But there are lots of way to get out into nature even when places are closed, especially urban parks that don't usually have the same closures. Hopefully as inclement, climate warming induced weather becomes more and more chaotic, we will all be more flexible when our favorite places are closed due to fire, flood or other reasons. And when you add in the necessary breaks for wildlife, the open/close valve will become even more unpredictable. Let's all make plans and then have back up plans in case things go awry!

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Yeah that Yosemite story is CRAZY. I am absolutely shocked that nobody was killed on those cables but very thankful that seems to be the way it all turned out.

The Atlantic story is really interesting -- I like that she ties it specifically to wildlife patterns, which would probably be the only palatable way for something like that to happen. There's a city park near me with two designated off-leash dog areas -- and they rotate a closure so that when one area is open, the other is recuperating from the previous months of use. It keeps both areas in good shape, and I'm kind of starting to think more parks and places could use a little bit of recovery time from us now and again ...

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